Ballistic and Blast Protection for Naval and Marine craft
ASL GRP provide tailor-made protection kits for your vessel or high speed marine craft. Full threat assessments and performance requirements are always taken into account when designing your protection.
Download ASL GRP’s Marine Protection brochure here.
Offshore Patrol Vessels and Crew Boats
ASL GRP offers complete project management for the design, manufacture and integration of armour protection solutions for naval, crew boats and offshore patrol vessels.
We can supply add-on armour kits to protect your vessel in a hostile situation, while taking into account weight and performance requirements. Commonly protected areas include:
- Wheel house and bridge deck
- Engine room
- On-board armouries
- Safe rooms
Suggested products for naval and crew boat protection:

ASL GRP Marine Shield
The ASL GRP Marine Shield system is a retro-fit protection for vessel mounted weapons. Legion Polyethylene or Ceramitech panels provide a 3x or 5x panel configuration to protect the operator from 180 degrees of attack. The Marine Shield system can be fitted with a pedestal and gun-mount or be integrated with a vessel’s existing pedestal. The shield framework can be manufactured from galvanised or stainless-steel dependant on the operator’s requirement.
Private Sector Vessels
We are able to design and supply bespoke solutions for protecting private superyachts and tenders. From installation of panic rooms (citadels), to multiple room protection, we work with boatyards undertaking refits of existing vessels, and yacht designers. Our team can undertake full project management.

We manufacture and supply pre-engineered, bespoke kits to provide RIBs and fast patrol vessels protection in high risk areas. Using lightweight materials, we are able to protect the vessel without affecting top speeds and performance. Commonly protected areas include:
- Consoles
- Crew area
- Outboard covers
- RIB tubes
Suggested products for RIBs: