Manufacturing work is currently continuing under strict guidelines within the ASL GRP factory. Due to the nature of our business, we are fortunate to be able to operate a split shift manufacturing line with skeleton staff to complete “in progress” orders for essential businesses and companies who provide critical work during this pandemic. We have an updated health and safety and hygiene policy in place, staff are washing their hands every 20 minutes and are observing strict social distancing policies.
Are your team travelling internationally?
No, following government guidance, we have updated our employee travel and working policies. All employees are now grounded and will not be travelling for the foreseeable future. Any employees who have been abroad recently are currently in a 14 day isolation period. The rest of the office and sales team are working remotely with video and conference calls at this time.
How can I get in contact with ASL GRP?
Our teams are operating as expected and there is currently no change to the service we offer. Please do not hesitate to get in contact for any enquiries or to discuss your orders: +44 1983 400730 or